OSWEGO — Labette County commissioners on Tuesday voted in a special meeting to seek state approval to add a one-eighth of 1 cent countywide sales tax to raise money for fire departments.
If approved by the Legislature, a question on the tax would go before Labette County voters in November.
All 10 fire departments in the county would split the proceeds, dolled out quarterly, of an estimated $500,000 in annual collections if voters approve the additional sales tax in November. All fire departments are volunteer except for the Parsons Fire Department, which has full-time, paid firefighters.
The commission must seek legislative approval to add this sales tax, and lawmakers have indicated a willingness to introduce the legislation this session, commissioners heard.
Rural firefighters struggle with equipment purchases given limited budget authority. The sales tax would allow the departments to purchase fire trucks, brush trucks, equipment and attend training sessions.
The ballot question would read: “Shall Labette County create a one-eighth of 1 percent county-wide retailers’ sales tax to benefit all ten fire departments equally in Labette County, Kansas?”
Collections on the new tax would start sometime in 2026. The countywide sales tax rate is now 9.25%. If voters approve the additional tax, the rate would bump to 9.375%.
The new sales tax would sunset in five years unless extended by a public vote.